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2025 Summer Missions - Japan
Jocelyn Leung
Jocelyn Leung


My name is Jocelyn and I will be serving on the Nagasaki Team for the JEMS Short Term Mission this August!

My heart for Japan began in 2018 when I went on my first STM there through AACF. At the time, God showed me the beauty of the culture, but also the emptiness in it because much of the culture has not yet been touched by God. Since then, God has continued to grow my heart for this country and its people, and I desire for every person in Japan to have the opportunity to respond to God's invitation to them -- to know Him and be in relationship with Him. God also gave me opportunities to return to Japan in different ministry capacities -- my longest duration being 2022-2024 in Sendai, Japan. There I served at a small Evangelical Free Church in the suburbs of Sendai.

After returning to the States in early 2024, I have been in a season of transition. I spent time resting and processing through my first mid-term missions, while also asking God what might be next for me. Although I do not have a clear picture of what the next big step is, I see this Summer STM as the next small step forward in my journey with God and am extremely thankful for the opportunity to serve in Japan again this summer with JEMS.

In Nagasaki, my team will be serving at LifeShare Christian Center in Nagayo helping them with their outreach efforts in the community. It is an English-Japanese bilingual international church started by missionaries Fabio and Elizabeth Tsukayama. Nagasaki is also a historical place for both Japan and Japanese Christians; I am excited to learn more of this history while being there. Also, I am looking forward to seeing the differences of the spiritual climate in Southern Japan (Nagayo, Nagasaki) compared to Northeast Japan (Sendai, Miyagi).

As I prepare and embark on this next step with God, I would love it if you would prayerfully consider partnering with me in prayer and/or financially. God is moving greatly through LifeShare Christian Center (instagram: @lifesharenagasaki) and I am very excited to go and see what God is doing there, partner with Him, and support Fabio & Elizabeth this summer. If you would like to receive my support letter and updates, please email me at Thank you so much and may God bless you!

Give online here or if you prefer to give by check, make the check out to “JEMS” and write my name on the memo line. Mail the check to P.O. Box 86047, Los Angeles, CA 90086-0047. If you have any questions please call the JEMS office at 213-613-0022 or email us.


Asian American Christian Fellowship

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