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2025 Summer Missions - Japan
Andre Kim
Andre Kim

Hello, I am Andre Kim. I am a Korean Brazilian born in Sao Paulo, Brazil, and have lived in the United States since 2017. I am a student at El Camino Community College studying Automotive Technology. I attend Good Community Church of Torrance and Toyohashi House Church, which supports the church in Toyohashi, Japan.

I feel called to go because I want to use my gifts and talents to further God's Kingdom and create an impact on the lives of those who do not know Christ yet. I feel called because after meeting some of the Toyohashi church members and the pastor, I felt a great need to go and support them as soon as possible. I appreciate any prayer and financial support. The financial support will go toward the cost of this mission trip including the airfare, living expense and any ministry expenses. Thank you!

Give online here or if you prefer to give by check, make the check out to “JEMS” and write my name on the memo line. Mail the check to P.O. Box 86047, Los Angeles, CA 90086-0047. If you have any questions please call the JEMS office at 213-613-0022 or email us.


Asian American Christian Fellowship

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